Science Fiction, Third Person

Developer: Peter Moorhead
Release: 2014

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"The story of an astronaut, waking from cryostasis to find their ship lying crippled on an uncharted planet; shards of platinum-iridium alloy puncture the shimmering alien sand, the wind passes quietly over dead hydrocolliders. It isn't known how long the ruined vessel sat here, or even what caused the crash, but one thing is clear: Time is rapidly running out... Assume the role of the astronaut, and explore the mysterious, sun-blasted wasteland to uncover something, anything that might lead to your survival."

Στα [-]
•  Διάρκεια παιχνιδιού: 15 λεπτά.
•  Χρόνος Κατασκευής παιχνιδιού: 2-3 ημέρες.

•  Κάποιοι θέλουν νά βγάζουν μεροκάματο πουλώντας φύκια γιά μεταξωτές κορδέλλες.

Βαθμολογία: 0/5